
  • Modbus Communication Card
  • Number of Ports: 2
  • Communications: RS-232C /RS-422/RS-485
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معرفی و اطلاعات کلی 1771-DB(3100-MCM)

    • Modbus Communication Card
    • Number of Ports: 2
    • Communications: RS-232C /RS-422/RS-485
    • User Data Memory: 4000 words
    • Software Configuration:
      1. Slave Address: 1 to 247
      2. Parity: None, odd, or even
      3. Stop Bit: 1 or 2
      4. Baud Rate: 300 To 38,400
      5. RTS to TxD: 0 to 65535 milliseconds
      6. RTS Off 0 to 65535 milliseconds
      7. Timeout: 0 to 65535 milliseconds
    • Port Configuration: Master/Slave
    • Backplane Current:65A at 5V dc ±5%