سامانه کنترل شرایط اضطراری (ESD) Moore Prosafe ESD Modules

  • سامانه کنترل شرایط اضطرای فرآیندهای پالایشگاهی
  • کنترل کننده شرایط کارکرد Safe در Plant های مورد استفاده
  • کاملا منطبق بر Moore Prosafe ESD Modules
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معرفی و اطلاعات کلی سامانه کنترل شرایط اضطراری (ESD)

سامانه کنترل شرایط اضطراری (ESD)


  1. Critical Discrete Module (CDM)
    • 32 discrete channels of 24V or 48V
    • Individual programming capability for each channel as input/output/pulse output
    • Isolation between field and bus data
    • Electronic short circuit protection fuse
    • On-line diagnosis of field wire failure using pulse
  2. Critical Analog Module (CAM)
    • 32 channels 4-20mA with 16-bit resolution
    • Separate programming capability for each channel as input/output
    • Isolation between field and bus data
    • Built-in Diag circuit to detect channel accuracy
  3. CDM Termination Board
    • Wiring terminal for 32-channel CDM card.
    • Redundant connection of two CDM cards
    • Capability to connect power input.
  4. Voltage Input Module (VIM)
    • 16-channel voltage/thermocouple input.
    • Capability of separate programming for each channel as either voltage input or thermocouple input.
    • Equipped with an adjustable internal amplifier for input range/precision adjustment.
    • Internal automatic calibration.
  5. VIM Termination Board
    • Wiring terminal for the 16-channel VIM card.
    • Capability to connect two VIM cards for redundancy.
    • Capability to connect two separate power inputs.